| One after the other, our Students of the Month for February walked to the podium at our meeting on February 7 and with poise in front of the packed room demonstrated why they were selected by their schools for the Rotary distinction. The seniors - all smart, creative and clearly focused on the next step in their education - are Caitlyn Hannawacker, Steinert; Ava Clugsten, Hamilton West; Raul Alejandro Alvarez, Nottingham; and Zachary Peabody, Robbinsville. |
Students Show Poise at the Podium
2025-02-07 05:00:00Z |
| The Rotary Club of Robbinsville Hamilton is hosting the 2025 Nonprofit Summit on Saturday, March 1 from 9:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. at RWJUH Fitness and Wellness Center on Quakerbridge Road in Hamilton. The free event with complementary breakfast is designed to help area nonprofit groups grow their programs and expand their good works. For those who are not part of a nonprofit, the event is a chance to learn about and get involved with groups in our area. Barrett Young, CEO of the Rescue Mission of Trenton will serve as keynote speaker and will moderate a panel of nonprofit leaders, including Sarah Steward, CEO, HomeFront; Nathalie Nelson, CEO, Younity (formerly Womanspace); and Karen Andrade-Mims, former CEO, The Father Center of NJ. |
Summit to Bring Together Nonprofit Groups
2025-02-06 05:00:00Z |
| The Rotary Club of Robbinsville Hamilton is hosting the 2025 Nonprofit Summit on March 1 from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. at RWJUH Fitness and Wellness Center on Quakerbridge Road in Hamilton. The free event with complementary breakfast will feature a keynote speaker and a panel of experts to help area nonprofit groups grow their programs and expand their good works. For those who are not part of a nonprofit, here’s a chance to learn about and get involved with groups in our area. |
Summit to Bring Together Area Nonprofit Groups
2025-02-05 05:00:00Z |
| Ticket sales are underway for our Dollars for Scholars raffle that funds our annual scholarship program. Tickets are $20 and are available from any club member, by email at president@rhrotary.org, or through a message on our club’s Facebook page. Checks, cash or Venmo accepted. There are 12 chances to win, with ticket drawings each Tuesday evening from April 1 through June 17 at Killarney's in Hamilton. Weekly prizes range from $350 to $1,000. Our Rotary Club has funded more than $50,000 in scholarships for area high school students over the past nine years. |
Raffle Tickets Available to Support Scholarships
2025-02-03 05:00:00Z |
| Fun time for Rotarians, spouses and friends at the Miracle League of Mercer County's 20th anniversary kickoff bash on February 1. The Rotary Club of Robbinsville Hamilton helped start the Miracle League by raising more than $300,000 to create the initial all-access field for ballplayers with special needs. Rotarian and Miracle League Commish Dan Sczweck has taken the league to new levels with year-round activities and the Rotary Club continues to provide the league with substantial support each year. |
Celebrating 20 Years of Miracle League
2025-02-03 05:00:00Z |
| Its name has changed from Camp Fire NJ to Embright Education, but its long-time mission remains the same - providing social and emotional learning programs for students in local schools. Embright Board Vice President Celeste Avery told Rotarians on January 31 that mental health issues in children have risen sharply, making Embright’s programs, particularly in the early grades, more important than ever. The organization wants to significantly expand its presence in area K-12 schools, including those in Hamilton and Robbinsville. To learn more, visit www.embrighteducation.org. Embright also sponsors the Teens on Fire program at Steinert High School, which this year has 130 members, according to the program’s leader, Kailey Conner, who said the program does food drives, assists other non-profits and helps children with mental and physical disabilities, offering its members the values of friendship, teamwork, leadership and empathy. |
Helping Students Thrive
2025-01-31 05:00:00Z |
| An amazing response from the community and our Rotary Club members to our Winter Survival Kit collection to benefit those served by the Rescue Mission of Trenton and Interfaith Caregivers of Greater Mercer County. Bag after bag, box after box filled with hats, gloves, socks and scarves, hygiene products and single-serve foods were donated at multiple drop-off points and then assembled on January 17 at our Rotary Club meeting and delivered to the organizations. The drive was coordinated by one of our newer club members, Marie Howard, along with Interfaith Caregivers Executive Director Lauri Harbison and Rotarians Sharon Lucidi and Chris Merlino. A huge thank you to all who donated items to help those in need during these cold months. |
A Generous Community Stocks Winter Survival Kits
2025-01-17 05:00:00Z |
| It was a celebratory welcome home at the January 10 Rotary meeting for Lauren Woods, daughter of Rotarian Steve Woods and his wife, Janice. Lauren returned to the states and her family just before Christmas after serving for more than seven months in Operation Inherent Resolve in Iraq as a first lieutenant in the Army National Guard. Lauren recounted her time with the 44th Infantry Brigade Combat Team at Air Base Erbil as Executive Officer (XO) responsible for managing day-to-day operations of the Headquarters and Headquarters Detachment (HHD). Before she spoke, we got to see the emotional video of her surprise family homecoming. Lauren, who has been to many club meetings over the years, received a standing ovation at the conclusion of her talk. She remains a commissioned officer and will soon return to her job as a school teacher in central Pennsylvania. |
Welcome Home, Lauren!
2025-01-10 05:00:00Z |
| Anthony Carabelli, Jr., Director of the Mercer County Office of Economic Development (and Hamilton Councilman) outlined for Rotarians the county’s one stop shop for all business needs as well as two “exciting” county grant programs that launched on January 1. Details on the business assistance, including info and a link to pre-register for the new Revitalize & Grow Grant Program and the Business Builder Rebate Grant Program are available at https://www.mercercounty.org/work/economic-development. |
‘Exciting’ Business Grant Programs Now Available
2025-01-03 05:00:00Z |
| Wednesday, January 15, is the new deadline for the collection of items by the Rotary Club of Robbinsville Hamilton and Interfaith Caregivers of Greater Mercer County to fill Winter Survival Kits for those in need. The requested items include: hats, gloves, scarfs, deodorant, shampoo, single pack toothbrushes and toothpaste, lip balm, lotion, hand sanitizer, body wipes, nutrition bars, single-serve tuna/crackers; single-serve chicken/crackers; Slim Jims; combs, soap (bars or liquid), and women’s sanitary items. Drop-off locations include the Robbinsville Township Municipal Building and Starbucks, both on Route 33 in Robbinsville; Sharon Elementary School on Sharon Road, Robbinsville; Robbinsville High School, and Interfaith Caregivers, 3635 Quakerbridge Road, Hamilton. The effort received a big boost from Mary Jane Diener of Hamilton who crocheted and donated 91 scarves (see photo). |
Deadline Extended for Survival Kit Collection
2025-01-03 05:00:00Z |
| On January 3 we welcomed our first set of Students of the Month for 2025. It’s always an uplifting meeting when we learn about the students’ activities in and out of school as well as their plans for the future. This month’s students are Summer Howard, Hamilton West; Dominic Baldassari, Steinert; Daniel Richarme, Nottingham; and Kellianne White, Robbinsville. Greg Blair, our club’s Students of the Month co-chair, said, “We know our future is secure as long as you keep on doing what you’re doing.” Congratulations and best wishes to these impressive students! |
Message to Students: ’Keep on Doing What You’re Doing’
2025-01-03 05:00:00Z |
| At our final meeting of the calendar year, our club was reminded in very personal terms of how important it is to continue Rotary’s flagship fight to eradicate polio around the world. Rotarian John Nanni of Delaware, a polio survivor and a leader in Rotary’s PolioPlus campaign, said the wild poliovirus is still stubbornly present in two countries - Pakistan and Afghanistan - despite decades of work by Rotary and other organizations to wipe if off the map, an effort that has saved an estimated 21 million people from the crippling disease. Our Rotary Club and individual members contribute thousands of dollars each year to the campaign. For more information about Rotary’s work to eradicate polio, visit www.endpolio.org. |
Rotary’s Polio Fight Continues
2024-12-21 05:00:00Z |
| Officials from Younity, formerly Womanspace, attended our meeting on December 20 to collect the more than 70 unwrapped toys donated by Rotarians at our holiday party earlier this week. Younity CEO Nathalie Nelson and COO Susan Victor thanked the club for its long-standing partnership with the organization. The non-profit serves victims of domestic violence and sexual abuse. Following the meeting, four Rotarians and a spouse packaged food for 1,600 meals at the Mercer Street Friends Food Bank in Ewing. |
Toys for Younity; Food for Families
2024-12-21 05:00:00Z |
| The EarlyAct service club is back at Morgan Elementary School in Hamilton! In 1998, the school and our Rotary Club established the first EarlyAct program, launching an idea that spread around the world with EarlyAct clubs forming as far away as Africa and Australia. Designed to promote community service and leadership among young people, EarlyAct has returned to Morgan stronger than ever after a five-year hiatus. The 22 officers and members gathered this week under the direction of faculty advisors Jenna Mihalow and Matt Petrowski, who was a member of that first club. The club is in the midst of its first school-wide project - collecting change to donate to the Hamilton Animal Shelter. |
EarlyAct Returns to Morgan School
2024-12-14 05:00:00Z |
| The Rotary Club on December 13 recognized Scouts BSA Troop 91 (B and G) based in Hamilton Square for the scouts’ help with our recent Flags for Heroes program. Club President Joe Cavone presented a Certificate of Appreciation to Scoutmaster Jerry Appert, thanking him for the multiple roles the scouts played in assisting with the flags display. The scouts led the Pledge of Allegiance at the Flags for Heroes ceremony, helped take down the flags after they were up for two weeks at Robert Wood Johnson University Hospital Hamilton, and spent a recent scout meeting properly folding the flags for mailing to purchasers. “The scouts love doing community service work,” said Jerry. “So providing them with an opportunity like this is really neat. It also provides them a window into other community-based organizations.” |
Scouts Thanked for Flags Assistance
2024-12-13 05:00:00Z |
| For the third consecutive year, the Rotary Club of Robbinsville Hamilton planted trees to honor its communities and promote conservation. In consultation with the townships, club members on December 10 planted an American Elm on the grounds of the former Miry Run Golf Club in Robbinsville and a Japanese Maple in Veterans Park in Hamilton. The installations bring the total to seven trees in the past three years as part of a program coordinated by Rotary Club President Joe Cavone and approved on an annual basis by the club’s Board of Directors. |
Tree Program Branches Out
2024-12-11 05:00:00Z |
| Mercer County is fortunate to have a strong advocate for enhancing safety in houses of worship and other non-profit facilities. Detective Michael Smith of the Mercer County Prosecutor’s Office was presented with a Certificate of Appreciation on December 6 by Rotary Club President Joe Cavone. In the last four years, Detective Smith has helped more than a dozen houses of worship in Mercer County receive over $2 million in federal and state grants for security enhancements. For information on obtaining a free security assessment of a house of worship or other 501c3-owned facility as well as some grant advice, contact Detective Smith at mjsmith@mercercounty.org. For information on grants, visit www.njohsp.gov/. |
Protecting Houses of Worship
2024-12-06 05:00:00Z |
| We recognized Students of the Month at our December 6 Rotary Club meeting - always a highlight on our meeting calendar as we learn of their activities in school and their plans for the future. December’s sterling group of students are Alessandra Sessons, Nottingham; Lily Stellwag, Hamilton West; Jameson Moulds, Steinert; and Caitlyn Todd, Robbinsville. As club member Judy Goldstein told the students, “There’s only one student from each school. It tells you that you’re thought of in a very wonderful way.” |
Club Honors Students of the Month
2024-12-06 05:00:00Z |
| Rotarians sponsored a recent Greenwood Elementary School field trip to the Philadelphia Zoo - a day of carefree fun, education, and wide-eyed joy in seeing the animals. For some, it was their first time visiting a zoo or riding by the tall buildings of Philadelphia. Our Rotary District and our club combined to finance transportation in seven buses for the children and their chaperones, including several Rotarians. We received some very nice thank you cards in return. |
Road Trip - To the Zoo
2024-11-26 05:00:00Z |
| More than 60 bikes - from old clunkers to ready-to-ride beauties - were donated in our Rotary’s Club’s 2024 bike drive on November 23. The bikes will be refurbished and resold by the BGC Bike Exchange with the proceeds going to the Boys and Girls Club of Mercer County. Thank you to all who donated bikes and to our partners, the Robbinsville Police Department and Friendly’s in the Foxmoor Shopping Center, Robbinsville. Hats off also to Bruno’s Bicycles of Allentown, the Robbinsville Recreation Department, the BGC Bike Exchange and our Rotary volunteers, particularly Mark Setaro, who organized the drive, and Steve Woods, who loaned his truck for the cause. |
Bike Drive Aids Boys and Girls Club
2024-11-23 05:00:00Z |
| The club's Foundation on November 22 donated $5,000 to the Mercer County Military Action Council (MCMAC), nearly all of which will be used for MCMAC’s Send A Hero Home for the Holidays program. The initiative, which already has 300 applicants, pays travel expenses for junior service members who otherwise could not afford to return home during this special time of the year. The donated funds represent part of the proceeds from the club’s successful Flags for Heroes display earlier this month. In the photo (l-r) : Bill Cleave, MCMAC vice chair; Alan Gilmore, MCMAC secretary; Regina Arcuri, MCMAC chair; and Joe Cavone, Rotary Club president. |
Sending Heroes Home for the Holiday
2024-11-22 05:00:00Z |
| Following the Rotary meeting on November 22, a group of Rotarians headed to the Mercer Street Friends Food Bank to help with food sorting. In all, the team of six loaded 46 boxes of grains and canned vegetables after separating three large bins of miscellaneous food items. Pictured left to right - Andre Caldini, Tony Rosica, Paul Neu, Tom Damm and Nev Greenough. Missing from the photo - Linda Gearren. |
Helping Out at the Food Bank
2024-11-22 05:00:00Z |
| More than 175 people joined us on a spectacular day to celebrate the 2024 Flags for Heroes display on the grounds of Robert Wood Johnson University Hospital Hamilton. Acting Mercer County Prosecutor Theresa Hilton and Hamilton Mayor Jeff Martin headlined the speakers marking our 5th Annual flags event - this year featuring 200+ flags recognizing local heroes. The flags will be on display with attached hero messages until November 16. Rotary Club President Joe Cavone led the ceremony which also included remarks by Mercer County Military Action Council Chair Regina Arcuri and RWJUH Hamilton Chief Administrative Officer Lisa Breza, a flag salute led by Scouts from Troop 91B and Troop 91G of Robbinsville Hamilton, inspirational messages from Sewa International Central Jersey volunteers, the singing of the Star-Spangled Banner by Jenn (Furman) Dinan and the playing of Taps by bugler John Periano. |
Ceremony Marks 5th Annual Flags for Heroes Display
2024-11-09 05:00:00Z |
| A dynamic trio of officials from the largest federal correctional institution in the U.S. - FCI Ft. Dix - told our Rotary Club on November 8 that rehabilitation of the inmates and security of the surrounding community and the facility are top priorities. Warden Rachel Thompson noted that only 10 percent of the inmates are serving life sentences and the rest will be returning to society, making programs to prepare them for reentry critical. “If we don’t do our jobs, we’re doing the community an injustice,” she said. FCI Fort Dix is a low security federal correctional institution for male offenders with an adjacent minimum security satellite camp located at Joint Base McGuire-Dix-Lakehurst. They have 4,100 incarcerated individuals. |
Rehab, Safety Top Priorities at Federal Prison
2024-11-08 05:00:00Z |
| We heard from an amazing group of Students of the Month at our meeting on November 1. The students - Bethany Marusky, Steinert; Anoop Singh, Hamilton West; Logan McGuire, Nottingham; and Vasanth Babukannan, Robbinsville - showed great poise at the podium in front of a full house of Rotarians, parents and guests. They impressed us with their activities in school, their volunteer work in the community and their plans after high school. As program coordinator Greg Blair said, the students remind us that our future is in good hands. |
Students Impress at Rotary Meeting
2024-11-01 04:00:00Z |
| The Trenton Area Soup Kitchen (TASK) serves about 12,000 meals a week to patrons at its Escher Street location in Trenton and at satellite sites in Mercer County. But as TASK Donor Engagement Manager Dana C. Jones explained to Rotarians on November 1, TASK offers a lot more than hot meals. Dana informed us of services TASK provides to encourage self sufficiency and improve the quality of life of patrons. Among them are adult education, creative arts, a culinary academy, warm clothing, help with preparing for and finding a job, hygiene products, and connection to vital resources. |
TASK: Meals and Much More
2024-11-01 04:00:00Z |
| We are pleased to welcome Vitale Inspection Services as our newest corporate member. The company is represented by owner Carlo Vitale and Justin Girard, director of business development and creative marketing. Located on Klockner Road in Hamilton, the company offers professional home inspection services and believes in putting the “unity” in community through its extensive charitable works, including Happy Smiles, Inc. Our Rotary Club now has 44 members, including nine new members in the past seven months. |
Club Welcomes Vitale Inspection Services
2024-10-31 04:00:00Z |
| Our stirring Flags for Heroes display of more than 200 U.S. flags honoring heroes in the lives of area residents and businesses is flying proudly on the grounds of Robert Wood Johnson University Hospital Hamilton. Stop by and read the heartfelt messages on the big boards and on the individual medallions attached to each flag. And join us on Saturday, Nov. 9 at 11 a.m. for the field dedication and Veterans Day celebration with featured speakers Acting Mercer County Prosecutor Theresa L. Hilton and Hamilton Mayor Jeff Martin. A huge thanks to our generous corporate and individual flag sponsors. Proceeds benefit Rotary’s local charities, including the Mercer County Military Action Council. |
Flags for Heroes Flying in Hamilton; Ceremony Nov. 9
2024-10-31 04:00:00Z |
| Our Rotary Club presented Mercer Street Friends with a check for $714, representing the funds given to us by the customers of Foley’s Family Market during our two food drives this year. The check was presented by Rotarian Paul Neu, chair of the Send Hunger Packing food drive, prior to our monthly activity at the Mercer Street Friends Food Bank where Rotarians and others packed 3,840 meals on Friday morning. |
Check Presented to Mercer Street Friends
2024-10-31 04:00:00Z |
| Great businesses make great communities in creating jobs and giving back to local causes was the message New Jersey Business & Industry Association President and CEO Michelle Siekerka shared with Rotarians this morning. Michelle outlined NJBIA’s policy and hands-on efforts to help ensure an affordable and regionally-competitive business climate in the state. In her remarks, she highlighted a partnership between NJBIA and the New Jersey Council of County Colleges - NJ Pathways to Career Opportunities - for students to prepare for in-demand jobs like manufacturing, technology, logistics and distribution, and health care. For info, visit https://www.njcommunitycolleges.org/initiatives/nj-pathways/ |
NJBIA Goal: Affordable, Competitive Biz Climate
2024-10-18 04:00:00Z |
| For the second time this year, shoppers at Foley’s Family Market in Hamilton showed their generosity as Rotary Club volunteers collected food for the Mercer Street Friends Food Bank. Shoppers on October 12 bought items from our wish list, filling carts with more than 1,000 pounds of food and donating $473.42 in cash that will be used to purchase more food. Amazing! We appreciate the 14 Rotarians (and 8-year-old Arianna Howard) who helped with the Send Hunger Packing food drive, especially event organizer Paul Neu, who along with Nev Greenough worked the full 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. collection period. And, as always, a big thanks to Joe Foley, owner of Foley’s Family Market, and to all those who donated. |
Rotarians Collect Food for Hungry Families
2024-10-18 04:00:00Z |
| Our Rotary Club had an opportunity to shine on October 11. We were able to showcase our strong momentum as we welcomed the leader of our 74-club Rotary district - District Governor Jeannie Tsukamoto. Club President Joe Cavone reported our gain of eight new members over the past six months (with more in the wings) and he outlined a busy schedule of community service activities, including our upcoming Flags for Heroes display. Jeannie thanked the club for its “impressive work” in the community and for its success in growing membership. “Not all the clubs are doing what you’re doing,” she said, offering additional strategies for introducing others to the rewarding aspects of joining Rotary. |
District Governor Impressed with Club’s Progress
2024-10-11 04:00:00Z |
| At our meeting on October 4, we recognized our first set of Students of the Month and we were reminded in emotional detail of our club’s most significant project - the creation of Megan’s Place. Our honored students for October are Ellise Gonzalez, Hamilton West; Max Kostin, Steinert; and Solmari Colon, Nottingham. They told us about their activities in school and their plans for the future. We then heard from Rotarian Greg Blair about the history of Megan’s Place - a park created by our club following the 1994 murder of 7-year-old Megan Kanka of Hamilton. Greg, who was Club President at the time, shared the account of how our club - then only two years old - undertook an ambitious, community-backed campaign to buy the house where Megan was murdered (across the street from the family’s home on Barbara Lee Drive), tear it down and build the park in Megan’s memory. |
Students Honored; Megan’s Place Highlighted
2024-10-04 04:00:00Z |
| Have you been to the Old Barracks Museum in Trenton lately? Matt Travers, one of the museum’s historical interpreters, was our guest speaker on September 27 and gave us a sense of the history of the barracks, including its role primarily as a hospital during the American Revolutionary War. Check out some of the upcoming events at the museum (details at www.barracks.org): - Fall Lecture Series – Authors discuss their books about the major battle at Germantown (Oct. 10) and Thomas Jefferson’s daughters – two by his wife, one by his slave, Sally Hemings (Oct. 17). Free admission. Both start at 6 p.m.
- All Barracks Eve (Oct. 25) – Spooky tales told by historically-outfitted storytellers.
The Old Barracks is open on a regular basis Wednesday through Saturday 10 a.m. – 5 p.m. |
Old Barracks Museum Featured at Club Meeting
2024-09-30 04:00:00Z |
| Congrats to JB, first prize winner of $3,285 with ticket #1085 in the Rotary Club of Robbinsville Hamilton’s 3rd Annual Super 50-50 raffle drawing. The drawing was held on September 24 at the Blend Bar & Bistro in Hamilton. The second place winner, KP, receives $1,971 with ticket #0517, and the third place winner, EB, receives $1,314 with ticket #1077. The winners receive half of the proceeds from the raffle. The other half ($6,570) will be split evenly between the Miracle League of Mercer County and the Rotary Club (for the club’s charities). Thank you to everyone who purchased a raffle ticket to support these worthy causes. |
Drawing Held for Super 50-50
2024-09-24 04:00:00Z |
| Despite high housing costs in the state, the goal of Habitat for Humanity of South Central New Jersey is that “everyone has a decent place to live.” Laura Van Booven, the affiliate’s Director of Community Engagement, spoke to Rotarians on September 20 about the group’s programs, volunteer opportunities and recent successes. Check out the affiliate’s website for opportunities to get involved - www.habitatscnj.org. And stop by Habitat’s ReStore in the Independence Mall in Hamilton (2465 S. Broad St., Suite E2) for some great deals. The store is open daily for purchases and donations from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. |
Habitat for Humanity Creating Housing Opportunities
2024-09-21 04:00:00Z |
| Our club celebrated its partnership with the Miracle League of Mercer County on September 13, holding our meeting at the league’s baseball complex for players with special needs in Hamilton. Rotarian Dan Sczweck, Commissioner of the Miracle League, gave us the history of the league, its progress, and the club’s involvement, which started nearly 20 years ago when the club raised more than $300,000 to build the initial field. “This is our biggest legacy as a club,” Dan said, noting that as the league has added new features and programs and expanded to 236 active families from 10 counties “we’re watching our child grow before our eyes.” |
Field of Dreams
2024-09-13 04:00:00Z |
| It was our pleasure on September 13 to welcome Marie and Arthur Howard of Robbinsville as new corporate members, each representing their respective businesses and looking forward to bringing to the club their passion for community service. Marie owns and operates Journey Logic, a travel agency in Robbinsville. Arthur, a member of the Robbinsville Board of Education, is a licensed Professional Counselor in New Jersey, operating his own practice, Life Reimagined Counseling Services. The addition of the Howards brings our membership total to 43, with eight new members in the past six months alone! |
Welcoming Marie and Arthur Howard
2024-09-13 04:00:00Z |
| Flag sponsorships are now available for the popular Flags for Heroes display at Robert Wood Johnson University Hospital Hamilton. Residents and businesses can honor their personal heroes by sponsoring a 3’x5’ American flag to be flown for more than two weeks - Nov. 1-16 - on the hospital grounds along White Horse-Hamilton Square Road and Klockner Road in Hamilton. The deadline for sponsorships has been extended to Monday, Oct. 21 at 5:00pm. Click here to sponsor a flag for $60 with the option of purchasing the actual flag for an additional $40. Businesses can contact president@rhrotary.org to become a blue, white, red or gold corporate sponsor starting at $300. Net proceeds from Flags for Heroes will be donated to non-profit organizations in Mercer County, including the Mercer County Military Action Council, which will help finance an active U.S. military member’s return to their family during military leave. |
Be Part of the Flags for Heroes Display
2024-09-10 04:00:00Z |
| The guiding principle of our Rotary Club is “service above self.” We’re certainly not alone in that mission. We heard at our September 6 meeting about the work of Interfaith Caregivers of Greater Mercer County (ICGMC) - an incredible network of more than 240 volunteers providing FREE services to homebound seniors and adults with disabilities. The volunteers provide such assistance as friendly visits, grocery shopping, transportation to medical appointments, light household chores, telephone reassurance and even short-term respite care. If you need assistance or would like to consider volunteering, visit www.icgmc.org or call 609-393-9922. |
Neighbors Helping Neighbors
2024-09-07 04:00:00Z |
| Our club delivered 150 backpacks filled with school supplies to the Wilson Elementary School in Hamilton on August 30. The drive was one of our most successful thanks to the generosity of our communities and club members. School officials were all smilies in receiving the student backpacks containing notebooks, crayons, pencils, folders and other donated essentials. The annual drive was coordinated by Linda Gearren with special efforts from fellow Rotarians Jodi Stephens whose collection box at the Robbinsville Municipal Building yielded 30 backpacks with supplies, and Toni Perilli and Angela D’Andrea who gave customers at Ivy on Main a discount if they donated backpacks or supplies. Thanks to all who contributed, including Lindsay Franicevich of Wilson’s EarlyAct program who donated many filled backpacks and other materials. |
Backpacks and School Supplies Drive a Success
2024-09-01 04:00:00Z |
| A big thank you to Assemblywoman Tennille McCoy for serving as our guest speaker on August 30 and presenting the club with an Assembly proclamation for our decades of work in the community. Assemblywoman McCoy gave us an update on her key legislative actions, including working with her 14th Legislative District colleagues to secure grants for public safety needs in Hamilton and Robbinsville. Another highlight of the meeting was the swearing in of our 6th new member in the past five months - Mark Talbott. Welcome, Mark! |
Club Honored with Assembly Proclamation
2024-08-30 04:00:00Z |
| Ivy on Main - a floral and event design company with retail home and clothing shops in Allentown and Hamilton - became a corporate member of our Rotary Club on August 23 - the latest development in a surge of interest in our club and its opportunities for friendship and community service. Ivy on Main owners Toni Perilli and Angela D’Andrea received a welcoming round of applause from fellow members. Their stores are located at 28 S. Main St, Allentown and 4611 Nottingham Way, Hamilton (next to Gennaro’s Restaurant). The corporate membership option affords Toni and Angela the flexibility to share participation in club activities. For more information on this way of joining our club, email president@rhrotary.org. |
Club Offers Flexible Corporate Membership Option
2024-08-23 04:00:00Z |
| Another fun night of fellowship for the Rotary Club - this time at the Philadelphia Phillies Strike Out Hunger game against Miami. A grand slam. A comeback victory. And even better, for every ticket we bought to the game, the Phillies donated half of the proceeds to Rotary programs, including our work with UNICEF and the World Health Organization to eradicate polio. That’s more than $1,000 from our club alone. The Phillies also collected non-perishable food at the entrances. |
Good Time, Good Cause at the Ballpark
2024-08-15 04:00:00Z |
| The Rotary Club tent was a popular stop at Robbinsville's National Night Out on August 13 as kids and adults tried their hand at beanbag and ring toss games with snacks as a prize. We enjoyed chatting with community members and letting them know about the fun service opportunities available in our club. Great job Robbinsville Township Police Department! |
Club Generates Smiles at National Night Out Event
2024-08-14 04:00:00Z |
| The generosity of shoppers at Foley’s Family Market was on full display on August 10 as Rotary Club volunteers collected food for the Mercer Street Friends Food Bank. A steady stream of shoppers bought items from our wish list, filling six carts and donating $238 in cash that will be used to purchase more food. The quote of the day came from a woman who presented us with three full bags of food from Foley’s. As we thanked her, she smiled and said, "No one deserves to be hungry.” A big thank you to the 13 Rotarians who helped with the Send Hunger Packing food drive, especially event organizer Paul Neu. And of course big props to Joe Foley, owner of Foley’s Family Market, and the shoppers who are helping to feed hungry families. |
Rotarians Collect Food for Hungry Families
2024-08-11 04:00:00Z |
| A bevy of guests at our August 9 meeting heard Rotarians offer their thoughts on what it means to be a member of the club. Said one, whether you’ve had a good week or a rough one, there’s something comforting about coming to a Friday morning meeting and knowing you’re among friends. Similarly, another said, “It’s like Cheers, you walk in and everyone knows your name.” Others focused on the opportunities to serve the community, particularly those in need. For example, Rotarians will be receiving food items in front of Foley’s Family Market in Hamilton on August 10 from 10-4 for the Mercer Street Friends Food Bank, and we’re busy collecting backpacks and school supplies for students at Wilson Elementary School. The international reach of Rotary, including a major effort to eradicate polio, was also cited as an attractive aspect of the organization, as well as local programs like Flags for Heroes. Club President Joe Cavone boiled it down to one word - hope. “We give people hope, We’re in the hope business.” |
What it Means to Be a Rotarian
2024-08-09 04:00:00Z |
| It’s becoming the place to be on Friday mornings at 7:30! Our Rotary Club meetings at Pj’s Pancake House on Main Street in Robbinsville are attracting more and more guests each week. And we’re loving it. At our August 2 meeting we welcomed back Marie Howard of Robbinsville, who was joined by her husband Arthur. Karen Hollywood of Grounds for Sculpture and local resident Preeti Kaur also attended. We always appreciate when guests stop by to learn more about our club, its community service activities and opportunities for membership. At the meeting, members and guests heard from guest speaker Mark Talbott of Trenton Renewables who told us about his 450 ton per day food and organics recycling power facility in Trenton. If you’d like to start your Friday with a dose of good feelings and some newly gained knowledge, come on in. |
Guests Galore!
2024-08-03 04:00:00Z |
| The Robbinsville Police Department will be offering an inside look at their operations this fall when it opens its inaugural Citizens Police Academy. Lt. William Swanhart outlined the program as our club’s guest speaker on July 19. The classes and demonstrations will be offered for seven consecutive Wednesday evenings beginning in mid-September. A total of 20 adults (age 21 and over) will be able to attend. The academy is designed to “bridge the gap between law enforcement and the community” by providing a working knowledge and understanding of all aspects of police operations and units, according to Lt. Swanhart. |
Robbinsville Police to Offer Citizens Academy
2024-07-19 04:00:00Z |
| It was our pleasure on July 12 to swear in our newest club member, Adrianna Maybroda of Hamilton, bringing our total membership to 39. Adrianna is looking forward to giving back to the community, having retired from a career in research and development with various medical and pharmaceutical companies. Adrianna enjoys riding horses, gardening, reading and traveling. Welcome, Adrianna! |
Club Welcomes Newest Member
2024-07-12 04:00:00Z |
| On June 28, our club presented its 2024 George Prutky Vocational Service Award and a $500 donation to Ryan’s Quest, a local non-profit founded by David and Maria Schultz after their son Ryan was diagnosed with Duchenne muscular dystrophy. The charity is focused primarily on assisting families with equipment like accessible vans and wheelchairs that helps those with Duchenne lead productive lives. In accepting the award, David thanked community members and businesses that have supported Ryan’s Quest with events such as an annual golf outing. He also gave us an update on Ryan, a graduate of Steinert High School who plans to attend Rowan University and study sports communication and media, hoping to break barriers in that field. https://ryansquest.org |
Ryan’s Quest Receives Prutky Award
2024-07-01 04:00:00Z |
| Have computers or computer accessories you no longer need? Our guest speaker on June 28 knows how you can put them to good use. Trenton Rotarian Mark Iorio told us about TDI Connect, where donated computers are refurbished and provided to families and students through non-profit groups in Mercer County and beyond. Mark said TDI Connect is partnering with the Trenton Literacy Movement to provide computers that are “vastly” improving the reading skills of 2nd and 3rd graders in the Trenton public school system. To learn more or to donate computers or accessories, contact PCDonations@TDIConnect.org or call Ray Ingram at 609-462-2933. |
Put Your Old Computer to Good Use
2024-07-01 04:00:00Z |
| The Rotary Club of Robbinsville Hamilton held its annual Installation Dinner at Tessara Restaurant in Hamilton on June 20. Incoming Club President Joe Cavone received the gavel from outgoing Club President George Ott. Joe outlined his plans for a “magical” year beginning July 1, while George recounted a year of remarkable progress by the club in serving the community. George presented former Club President Kalpana Patel with the distinguished Paul Harris Fellow Recognition pin for her outstanding efforts in 2023-24. Read more about the Robbinsville Hamilton Rotary Club's new president. |
Gavel Passed as Club Celebrates Progress; Looks Ahead
2024-06-21 04:00:00Z |
| Rotary EarlyAct Clubs at Wilson and Greenwood elementary schools in Hamilton held year-end celebrations in early June after months of projects to serve their school, their community and even the world! The EarlyAct Club members, officers and advisors were presented with achievement certificates and received thanks from Rotary Club of Robbinsville Hamilton President George Ott and Rotary Club EarlyAct Coordinator Kalpana Patel. Projects at Wilson this year included a food drive for the Mercer Street Friends Food Bank, holiday cards for seniors and hospitalized children, a pet supplies collection for an animal shelter, and garden planting. At Greenwood, whose EarlyAct Club only began in March, students also did a garden project and collected $843.22 in change to help support a broader Rotary project supplying “aquaponics” kits to families and schools in Nicaragua to grow vegetables and fish. |
EarlyAct Clubs Celebrate Service Projects
2024-06-10 04:00:00Z |
| Fifth graders from Sayen Elementary School in Hamilton joined Rotary Club members in planting flowers at Megan’s Place park on June 7. After hearing about the history of the park, the students used trowels to plant 50 angel wing begonias donated by Levanduski Landscapes, Inc. of Robbinsville. Megan’s Place was created in honor of 7-year-old Megan Kanka of Hamilton who was murdered in 1994 in a former house on the site by a convicted child molester. The Rotary Club, then only two years in existence, raised funds to purchase the house, tear it down, and build the park in its place. Each year, the club invites students from Megan’s former school to participate in activities at the park, located on Barbara Lee Drive, Hamilton. |
Students Plant Flowers at Megan’s Place
2024-06-07 04:00:00Z |
| In successive weeks, our club presented $1,000 checks to Robbinsville Meals on Wheels and Mobile Meals of Hamilton for their volunteer work in our communities. Accepting the donations and telling us about their operations were executive directors, Jodi Marra, Robbinsville and Eileen Eversheim, Hamilton. For information or to volunteer, contact Jodi at 609-954-3172 or Eileen at 609-448-4088. |
Club Supports Meal Delivery Organizations
2024-06-07 04:00:00Z |
| Congrats to eight local high school seniors who received a total of $7,500 in scholarships from our Rotary Club. The scholarships, funded through the club’s annual Dollars for Scholars raffle, were based on the students’ community service activities and plans. The recipients, chosen from among 40 applicants, were Skylar Kunkle, Hamilton West; Zobia Chaudhry, Nottingham; Teresa Loh, Steinert; Chase Braud, Steinert; Jason Maziarz, Steinert; Dylan Carmignani, Robbinsville; Elizabeth Gorman, Notre Dame; and Brendan Appert, Notre Dame. |
Students Receive Rotary Scholarships
2024-06-07 04:00:00Z |
| Our Rotary Club in May honored police officers from Hamilton and Robbinsville for their work on the job and in the community. The club presented 2024 Police Community Service Awards to Lieutenant David Schultz of the Hamilton Police Department and to Patrolman Rene Godfrey of the Robbinsville Police Department. “The Robbinsville Hamilton Rotary Club has forged relationships with the police departments in each of the two towns we serve. We truly acknowledge the fact that the police officer of 2024 is perhaps the most essential tool of stability and safety in a community,” said Joe Bellina, the Rotary Club’s Police Community Service Awards chairperson. |
Rotary Honors Police Officers in Hamilton and Robbinsville
2024-06-07 04:00:00Z |
| It was our honor at our meeting on May 24 to present the club’s 2024 Hamilton Police Department’s Community Service Award to Lieutenant David Schultz. Lt. Schultz, who heads the department’s Community Policing Unit, was chosen for the award by Hamilton Police Chief Kenneth DeBoskey for the officer’s new community initiatives, including Coffee with a Cop, his police recruitment efforts, and his work as President and Co-Founder of Ryan’s Quest. Ryan’s Quest was founded by David and his wife, Maria, after their son, Ryan, was diagnosed with Duchenne muscular dystrophy. The local non-profit is raising awareness of the disease, helping families enrolled in clinical trials, and funding research for better treatments and a cure. |
Lt. Schultz Receives Community Police Award
2024-05-27 04:00:00Z |
| In an action-packed meeting on May 10, our Rotary Club presented a premier Community Service Award, recognized local Students of the Month, honored two groups supporting women’s empowerment, and inducted two new members. It was a parade of uplifting news, featuring the presentation of the club’s 2024 Vern Applegate Community Service Award to Denise Reil, founder and executive director of Visitation Home, Inc. in Hamilton - shared residences and day programs for adults with developmental disabilities. Also taking the podium were our Students of the Month - Ella Bencivengo, Steinert; Nataly Leon Suquitana, Hamilton West; and Alexa Benedetto, Nottingham - who told us about their activities in and out of school and their plans for the future. We presented $500 checks to representatives of Homefront and S.H.I.N.E., two of the groups represented at our club’s Women’s Empowerment Fair earlier this year. And we inducted two new members - Tom Liwosz and Roger Moore, both of Hamilton. |
Busy Meeting Features Awards, Inductions
2024-05-11 04:00:00Z |
| On May 3, the Rotary Community Service Award for the Robbinsville Police Department was presented to Patrolman Rene Godfrey. The award includes a $500 donation to the Robbinsville PBA. Ptl. Godfrey was selected for the award by Robbinsville Chief of Police Michael Polaski for the officer’s police work, his involvement in youth sports with the Police Athletic League and township recreation programs, and his previous service as a Combat Medic in the Army Reserves, including a deployment to Somalia for nine months. Ptl. Godfrey plans to participate in the Police Unity Tour, a bike ride from West Windsor to Washington, D.C. to raise awareness of law enforcement officers who have died in the line of duty. |
Ptl. Godfrey Receives Community Service Award
2024-05-04 04:00:00Z |
| Continuing a focus on women’s empowerment, our club on April 26 presented Dress for Success Central Jersey with $500 to support its wide range of programs to help women achieve economic independence. Program Manager Nicole Poprik said Dress for Success provides a network of support, professional attire, and tools to thrive at work and in life. Last year alone, the local affiliate, which serves seven counties and partners with over 100 groups, assisted more than 2,400 women, many of whom live under the poverty line. For more info about Dress for Success and its opportunities to volunteer or to donate gently-used clothing or funds, visit https://centralnj.dressforsuccess.org/ |
Dress for Success Helping Women Meet Goals
2024-04-28 04:00:00Z |
| We were reminded at our April 19 meeting of Rotary’s impact far beyond Hamilton and Robbinsville. Chuck Conner of the Ripley, WV Rotary Club visited us to report on a recent aid trip to help families and schools in Nepal. Our club had donated $1,000 to provide medicines for participants in a free health camp in Dubung, a community of 150 households spread across three hamlets in the hills of western Nepal. The health camp was just one of the features of the aid trip - Chuck’s 13th to the region - that delivered school supplies and uniforms, essential health kits, games and sporting equipment and so much more to a grateful region. Chuck is the brother of Linda Gearren, a member of the Board of Directors of the Rotary Club of Robbinsville Hamilton. |
Rotary Aids Kids, Families in Nepal
2024-04-19 04:00:00Z |
| We welcomed our Students of the Month and their families along with some new guests (and prospective members) at our April 12 meeting - adding to the regular breakfast camaraderie. The high school seniors - Miranda Sommer of Hamilton West, Nathan Bergren of Nottingham and Dylan Carmignani of Robbinsville - impressed us with their activities in and out of school and their plans for the future. A fourth student - Nathen Trevino of Steinert - was unable to attend. We were also pleased to greet a few other guests to our meeting - Tom and Matt Liwosz and Roger Moore. |
Students of the Month Honored
2024-04-12 04:00:00Z |
| As Opening Day for the Miracle League of Mercer County approaches, we presented MLMC Commissioner and fellow Rotarian Dan Sczweck with a $1,000 check on April 5 to support the league’s operations. It was the latest financial contribution from our club to the league for special needs players that we helped establish nearly 20 years ago. Rotarians last weekend pitched in to help Dan ready the field for the games that begin on Saturday, April 13. |
Rotary Continues Support for Miracle League
2024-04-07 04:00:00Z |
| At our April 5 meeting, our club learned about a non-profit organization that proudly escorts veterans to Washington, D.C. to see their memorials as part of a full day of special activities. Karan Peterla of Hamilton told us about Honor Flight New Jersey and its all-inclusive FREE trips for veterans to experience a day-long recognition of their service, including opening and closing ceremonies. The group’s April 17 bus trip for 100 veterans is fully-booked, but there is another one scheduled for Wednesday, October 16, 2024. Applications are being accepted. For more information, contact Karan at 609-562-5144 or visit www.sjhonorflight.org. |
Honor Flight a ‘Memorable’ Experience for Veterans
2024-04-07 04:00:00Z |
| The ‘Starrs’ aligned on March 29 to bring us two impressive speakers - one, the co-owner of a popular Hamilton-based tour bus company and the other, a high school-age founder and president of a local non-profit group. Sandy Borowsky, vice president of Starr Bus Charter & Tours, told us about the trips and charter opportunities offered by her company and gave us an inside look at the company’s focus on safety, comfort, reliability and convenience. Visit Starr’s website at starrtours.com to check out the variety of choices. |
| | We also heard from Swara Sanghvi of Dream of Blue Skies and presented her with a $500 check to further the group’s mission of bridging socio-economic gaps, starting with education. To learn more about the group and its tutoring opportunities, visit dreamofblueskies.org. |
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Starr Bus Featured at Rotary Meeting
2024-03-30 04:00:00Z |
| Our Rotary Club presented Shine and Inspire with $500 on March 22 to further its work in providing students in need with basic necessities like hygiene items, school supplies and non-perishable food. Shine and Inspire Founder Carol Feldman accepted the check. Following the morning meeting, a group of Rotarians traveled to the Mercer Street Friends Food Bank to package 1,600 meals that will be distributed to school children in need of food assistance over a weekend. |
Rotary Supports Shine and Inspire
2024-03-20 04:00:00Z |
| A new EarlyAct service club for students at Greenwood Elementary School in Hamilton installed its officers on March 8 and shared details with classmates about its first project - raising funds to provide nutritious food for those in need in Nicaragua. The 4th grade students are collecting change to be combined with other funds to support a Rotary International project that provides “aquaponics” kits to help families and schools grow fresh vegetables and fish. The Greenwood EarlyAct Club officers are President Brittany Ramirez; Vice Presidents Daleisa Pineda and Mahina Nayyar; Recording Secretary Pann Aung; Corresponding Secretary Naomi Moore; and Treasurer Mimi Hall. The EarlyAct Club at Greenwood is the second to be established in Hamilton Township in the past three months. Wilson Elementary School launched its EarlyAct Club in December and is also participating in the Nicaragua project. Both clubs are sponsored by the Rotary Club of Robbinsville Hamilton. For more, check out the article in TAPinto |
Second New EarlyAct Club Formed in Hamilton
2024-03-09 05:00:00Z |
| Beginning a series of awards to groups that participated in our recent Women’s Empowerment Fair, the Rotary Club on March 8 presented a $500 check to Girls on the Run NJ East. Suzanne Elliott, executive director of the local council, said Girls on the Run provides a fun, evidence-based curriculum for girls 8-13 that inspires participants to recognize their inner strength, increase their level of physical activity, imagine their possibilities, and confidently stand up for themselves and others. The program operates during two, two-month seasons each year - one in the spring (starting April 8) and the other in mid-September. Each of the seasons culminates in a 5K run/walk. For more information, visit www.GirlsontheRunNJ.org. |
Girls on the Run Recognized by Rotary Club
2024-03-09 05:00:00Z |
| The most littered item on the planet by unit? Cigarette butts. And they’re not just unsightly, they contain toxic chemicals that leech into the environment, especially our waterways. The good news is that a local company is helping to solve the problem through recycling. Eric Ascalon of Trenton-based TerraCycle, told Rotarians at our March 1 meeting that 98% of cigarette filters are made of plastic fibers which aren’t biodegradable. His award-winning company has developed a process for recycling this hard-to-recycle product and is sponsoring free municipal programs and other means for people to properly dispose of the cigarette waste. For more about this program and others offered by TerraCycle, visit terracycle.org. |
Local Company is Kicking Butts
2024-03-02 05:00:00Z |
| Mercer County Executive Dan Benson spoke to our Rotary Club on Feb. 23, sharing highlights of his comprehensive transition report that will guide the way for reforms, services and investments in the county in the coming months and years. The report is available at bensontransition.com. He discussed plans for capital improvements to key facilities in the county and said he wants to “super-charge” tourism ahead of the nation’s 250th anniversary. Job one, he said, will be to get the county’s finances back in order. Benson said his administration will be guided by three principles - collaboration, innovation and transparency. |
New County Executive Outlines Plans
2024-02-23 05:00:00Z |
| Rotarians and guests packed more than 100 winter survival kits at the club’s Feb. 16 meeting. The kits, filled with warm clothing accessories and food and hygiene items, were then delivered to the Rescue Mission of Trenton. The Rotary Club supplemented the kits with a $500 donation. A big thanks to Rotarians Danely Gonzalez and Andre Caldini, who coordinated the drive, and to all who contributed items, particularly Mary Jane Diener, who knitted beautiful scarves for the collection. Rotary Club Student of the Month Danielle Deane of Hamilton West H.S. helped assemble the kits. |
Winter Survival Kits Delivered to Rescue Mission
2024-02-16 05:00:00Z |
| This area’s rich history was on full display at our Rotary Club meeting on February 9 as historian and author Larry Kidder took us through the “Ten Crucial Days” that helped turn the tide of the American Revolution. Larry offered fascinating insights into the key battles in Trenton and Princeton that changed the course of history. For more, check out https://tencrucialdays.org/ |
History in our Midst
2024-02-09 05:00:00Z |
| Our guest speaker on February 2 was Robbinsville Schools Superintendent Brian Betze. He encouraged voter approval of a $2.75 million ballot question on Tuesday, March 12 to avoid “very difficult decisions” regarding staffing, facilities, courtesy busing, athletics and co-curricular activities. In his talk, Betze said the additional taxpayer dollars are needed to compensate for inadequate state funding for the school district. More information is available at www.robbinsville.k12.nj.us |
Schools Chief Backs Ballot Question
2024-02-02 05:00:00Z |
| Our trusty crew of Rotarians and friends was back at the Mercer Street Friends Food Bank on Feb. 23 packaging enough food to feed 480 school-aged children for an entire weekend. Our Rotary Club participates at the Food Bank on the fourth Friday of the month for a couple of hours. If your group is interested in working a shift, contact the Food Bank at 609-406-0503. |
Packing Food for Those in Need
2024-01-27 05:00:00Z |
| Our eclectic mix of guest speakers continued on January 26 as we learned of the many facets of the volunteer Civil Air Patrol (CAP) from Maj. Rob McClellan, Deputy Commander of CAP’s Group 223. One of CAP’s features is a Cadet Program offering opportunities for youth ages 12-18 to fly, learn to lead, hike, camp, get in shape, and push themselves to new limits. Cadet squadrons meet once a week on a weeknight and usually have an activity one weekend a month. Locally, there are Cadet squadrons that meet in Allentown and in Ewing. There are also volunteer opportunities for adults. Check out JoinCAP.com for more info. |
Civil Air Patrol Offers Cadet Program for Youth
2024-01-26 05:00:00Z |
| It was an uplifting morning at our Rotary Club’s 2nd Annual Women’s Empowerment Fair on January 20 as a dozen groups shared information about their work to support women and children in our area. Keynote speaker, Mercer County First Assistant Prosecutor Jennifer Downing-Mathis, had a special message for the younger women and girls in the audience, encouraging them to work hard to achieve their dreams, set and maintain high standards, do their best to make an impact, and keep a sense of community and inner strength. “The sky’s the limit,” she said. |
Groups Share Info at Empowerment Fair
2024-01-21 05:00:00Z |
| Our Rotary Club presented a plaque to Joe Foley, co-owner of Foley's Family Market of Hamilton, recognizing the generous support of the store and its customers for the club’s Send Hunger Packing program. Twice a year, Rotarians collect food and cash donations from patrons at Foley’s to help the Mercer Street Friends Food Bank provide meals to families and school children in need. In 2023 alone, the Send Hunger Packing collections at Foley's generated a whopping 2,000 pounds of food and $656 in cash used by the Food Bank to buy food at discount prices. |
Rotary Thanks Foley’s Family Market and Customers
2024-01-12 05:00:00Z |
| Three area high school seniors were honored by our Rotary Club as Students of the Month for January. Recognized for their activities in and out of school were Zach Kunkle, Hamilton West; Pierson Ward, Robbinsville; and Cole Bigger, Steinert. A fourth student, Johanna Alexis, Nottingham, was also honored, but was unable to attend the club meeting. Our club’s 2024 scholarship application is now available in the “Rotary in the Community” section in the website menu above. |
Club Honors Students of the Month
2024-01-12 05:00:00Z |
| One really good reason to attend our Rotary Club meetings on Friday mornings - besides the pancakes - is to hear from groups that remind you of how fortunate we are to live in this area. On December 8, our guest speaker was Tracey Destribats - one of three founders of I Believe in Pink, a local non-profit helping patients and their families with the financial challenges that accompany breast cancer. |
Non-Profit Helps Breast Cancer Patients
2023-12-08 05:00:00Z |
| The Rotary Club of Robbinsville Hamilton has 44 members who live or work in the immediate area and who joined the club to make a positive difference in our local and global community. To learn more and consider joining our club, explore this website for information and stop by as a guest at one of our weekly meetings. Our club meets on Friday mornings at 7:30 a.m. at Pj’s Pancake House, 17 Main Street, Robbinsville. Each meeting consists of a speaker on a topic of interest and a roundup of club activities followed by breakfast. Contact Janice Miller for additional information - secretary@rhrotary.org. | | |
Robbinsville Hamilton Rotary Looking to Grow
2023-12-06 05:00:00Z |
| Our Women’s Empowerment Fair has been rescheduled for January 20 from 10 a.m. to noon at the RWJ Fitness and Wellness Center, 3100 Quakerbridge Road, Hamilton. Representatives from 12 organizations that support women and girls will be on hand to share information, and Mercer County First Assistant Prosecutor Jennifer Downing-Mathis will provide keynote remarks. Click here to download flyer. Groups scheduled to attend the Fair include Womanspace, Robert Wood Johnson University Hospital Hamilton, HomeFront, Dress for Success, S.H.I.N.E., One Simple Wish, Girl Scouts - Hamilton, I Believe in Pink, the Father Center, Dream of Blue Skies, Shine and Inspire, and Girls on the Run NJ East. |
Women’s Empowerment Fair Set for Jan. 20
2023-12-01 05:00:00Z |
Artificial Intelligence, or AI, has worked its way into our business and personal activities. You’re invited to join us on Friday, January 5, at 7:30 a.m. at Pj’s Pancake House, 17 Main Street, Robbinsville to learn the latest in this fast-moving field from guest speaker James Sweeney, PhD.
Get Smarter About Artificial Intelligence (AI)
2023-12-01 05:00:00Z |
| As part of our annual holiday party, club members brought unwrapped toys for distribution to families served by Womanspace. The club also provided Womanspace with a $500 check to support its work for women, men and families impacted by domestic and sexual violence. Womanspace V.P. of Development and Communications Erin Hartshorn thanked the club for its donations as the toys and funds were delivered on Friday, December 22. |
Club Donates Toys for Womanspace Families
2023-12-01 05:00:00Z |
| Our annual collection of Winter Survival Kits is underway to benefit clients served by the Rescue Mission of Trenton. We are collecting hats, gloves, scarves, socks, healthy food items, toiletries, soap, toothbrushes and toothpaste, feminine hygiene products and other personal items. You can drop off items at one of several locations (Drop off here). Thank you for your support! |
Winter Survival Kit Collection Underway
2023-12-01 05:00:00Z |
| Congratulations to the George E. Wilson Elementary School in Hamilton for establishing an EarlyAct service club for its students! In its first weeks, the club collected hundreds of pounds of food to help feed hungry families in Mercer County and prepared holiday cards and friendship bracelets for hospital patients. The EarlyAct club is sponsored by our Rotary Club and run by the students with general guidance from faculty advisors. To learn more about EarlyAct in the Wilson school CLICK here. |
Wilson School Forms Early Act Club
2023-12-01 05:00:00Z |
| | | The tree plantings were coordinated by Club President-Elect Joe Cavone with the support of the club's Board of Directors led by Club President George Ott. | |
Community Tree Planting 2023
2023-11-05 04:00:00Z |
| The 2023 Flags for Heroes display was a major success with more than 250 flags flying for nearly three weeks in November on the grounds of Robert Wood Johnson University Hospital Hamilton. Each flag sponsor is receiving the keepsake flag medallion that was attached to the flag during the display containing the message to their personal hero. Net proceeds from the Flags for Heroes event are being donated to non-profit organizations in Mercer County, including the Mercer County Military Action Council, which will help finance an active U.S. military member’s return to their family during military leave. |
Flags for Heroes a Success
2023-11-05 04:00:00Z |