The Robbinsville Hamilton Rotary Club has instituted the George Prutky Vocational Service Award, named in recognition of a late founder of our club, George Prutky. This award is given each year to an organization (non-profit, public, private or corporate) that is dedicated to serving the community, or that gives back to the community outside its regular course of business.
We are calling for nominations for organizations whose work you have either experienced or know of due to their impact to the local community, and who you believe are deserving of service acclaim.
The Award
Recipient/s will receive a plaque and a monetary grant in an amount approved by the Rotary Club of Robbinsville Hamilton Board of Directors. In the event that the selected organization is a for profit business, they must appoint a qualified 501(c)3 charity of their choice to receive the cash award.
Who can Nominate?
All Rotarians, as long as they have personally experienced the impact of the organization’s work in Mercer County.
Who is eligible for this award?
A nominee must conduct their volunteerism in Mercer County. There is no corporate size requirement. Organizations with members of the Robbinsville Hamilton Rotary Club or other Rotary Clubs are eligible and will be judged solely based on their volunteerism and service excluding their service in the Rotary. One can nominate multiple nominees for this award, as long as they meet the criteria provided in this document.
What are the Nomination Criteria?
To be considered, an on-line nomination form must be completed and letters of support and documentation is encouraged. An Awards Committee selected by the Club will make the final selection of at least one organization (or more if warranted).
Nominees are evaluated based on ways in which they perform exceptional services with significant community impact. A few notable criteria for selection:
- History of consistently demonstrating the qualities of community service, improving the lives of others, and serving as an agent of positive change through their involvement in at least one charitable organization, for at least one year.
- The volunteerism and charitable activities may be part of the nominee's charter and mission. The nominee does not receive any monetary compensation or benefits from their involvement.
- Demonstrated notable influence with other community members, through their dedication, mentoring and leadership skills.
- Has demonstrated any extraordinary effort or has overcome any challenges, obstacles in making their contributions.
For the committee to assess your nominee equitably along with other nominees,
please click here to complete the on-line nomination form, and complete all sections. Inclusion of any letters of support is encouraged. Letters of support can be sent to
Deadline for nominations is May 31, 2025.